The guide
The Guide is designed to help new players learn the ropes of the game. We give you explicit instructions on how to complete the quest, as well as some story. Each quest is designed to introduce you to various features, from killing and shops, skills, crafting, enchanting and so on.
Accessing The Guide
When you register you have an option to enable the guide. If you did not do this, you can head to your settings and enable the guide from there, assuming you’re under level 10.
If you enabled during registration, you will see a popup once the game loads, we only show you this popup once. You can access the guide quests by clicking Guide Quests in the top nav. See image to the right or below for mobile.

Viewing the past
You can view previously complete Guide quests by opening your side bar (hamburger menu at the top left beside the game name).
Here, in the image to the right or bottom for mobile, is an additional option under quests called Completed Guide Quests. Clicking this shows you a table of your quests. You can further click on the quest name to see the story, instructions, and requirements.
The instructions might be useful if you need a refresher.

Completing the quests
When you open this modal, see to the right or bottom for mobile, you are shown the requirements in orange at the top, story under that and a tab called instructions which contains the quests instructions spelled out for you.
The hand in button will only be available once you have met the requirements of the quest.