Planes of Tlessa

Managing gold bars through capital cities

One aspect of the capital city management is to manage your gold bars. If you are unfamiliar with gold bars, they are basically a way for you to take your gold, which you can have a max of two trillion and deposit them into your kingdoms as gold bars at a cost of two billion gold per bar.

You will need to have unlocked the Goblin Bank from the kingdom passive tree and levelled it to level 5 in order to deposit or withdraw gold bars from the kingdom in question.

Before we begin, if you are not familiar with Capital Cities, you should for sure check out this document which goes into detail on how to get and manage your kingdoms on the same plane as your capital city.

Gold bars, for those unfamiliar with what they are used for aside from storing your vast wealth, are used in The Goblin Shop to buy more mid to end game alchemy items that you can use on your self.

Lets get into how we manage these through a capital city, because of course you can manage them individually through your kingdoms that have a level 5 goblin bank, but you can also manage them through your capital city, from withdrawing to depositing.

Managing gold bars

When you have a capital city and click on the Small Council button you will be presented with a series of options, from building management to unit management and walking your kingdoms to now managing your kingdoms gold bars.

We can do this by clicking on the Manage Gold Bars which you can see to the right or bottom once you clicked on Small council and scrolled down a bit.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

Once you enter in to the Gold Bars management section, you might see something similar to the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

The “might see” aspect comes from the notice, as you can see – not all the kingdoms in this example have a goblin bank at level 5, your kingdoms might have a goblin bank at level 5 and thus you wont see the notification or have your form to withdraw – disabled.

However what I want you to focus on is what we can do here.

Here we can see that we can deposit up to two trillion gold for a total of 1,000 gold bars which is then split across ALL kingdoms you own on that plane, minus the capital city it’s self.

You will also see how many gold bars you have across all kingdoms, how much gold you have on hand and if you enter in an amount of bars you wish to purchase, you will see how much that will cost you in gold.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

What about withdrawing gold bars? You can see this to the right or bottom for mobile.

Here you can see, again, for this example we cannot withdraw them because we don’t have the goblin bank in all kingdoms. When we withdraw we see how much gold you wold get as well as how many gold bars you have.

You may only withdraw 1,000 gold bars which translates into two trillion gold. These will be withdraw across all your kingdoms.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

How do you already have gold bars then?

In the examples you above you saw that the kingdoms already had gold bars, you can still manage your gold bars in kingdoms, individually, who have a goblin bank at level 5. However, because not all kingdoms have a goblin bank at level 5, you can’t use the capital city system to manage gold bars.

Final Thoughts

Managing gold bars across all your kingdoms, who each have a goblin bank at level 5 is easy with the capital city system and lets you purchase powerful items from the goblin shop which is useful when you are investing in reincarnating your character, when you are investing in that mid to end game content.