Planes of Tlessa

Goblin shop

At some point in the game, you will find you have more gold then you know what to do with. You could set up a series of kingdoms and then deposit your gold as gold bars, allowing you to amass vast amount of gold.

However, should your kingdoms survive and your vast wealth remains in your hands, you have nothing to spend it on, you grow more kingdoms, deposit more gold bars and now you have trillions of gold.

This is where the Goblin Shop comes into play for more late game gold sink.

You can access the shop by opening the menu and selecting Goblin Shop. You can see this to the right or bottom for mobile.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

From here you will see a list of items that requires a currency you have been hiding your vast wealth in: Gold Bars.

You can see this to the right or bottom for mobile.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

Since a kingdom can hold 1000 gold bars, and some items can cost more then 1000 gold bars a player will need to have more then one kingdom for the more expensive items, because of the limited space on the planes, war will be fought for precious land.

When an item is purchased, regardless of the price we will check two things:

- Do you have a kingdom who’s gold bars are greater then the cost of the item, that kingdom will just absorb the cost of the item.

- If the cost is, for example 2000 gold bars, this will be split over all kingdoms who’s gold bars sum to a total of 2000. This will work for variable kingdom amounts holding variable gold bar amounts for variable item cost, it will always evenly distribute the cost over the kingdoms gold bars.