Holy items
When it comes to gear progression, players will want to apply Holy Oils to their items, which can only be done in Purgatory after completing the quest: Purgatories Doors, which is a Surface quest.
To apply the oils, you need to craft them using Alchemy which can be unlocked by completing the I dream of Alchemy, which is. One Off quest on Surface.
You also need Gold Dust.
The formula for calculating the cost is dependent on the oil being applied.
You can search the Alchemy list for “Oil” and see all the oils that can be applied and what they do. There are two things an oil will do to your gear:
- Increase Stats by a random % based on the Holy Level of the oil.
- Increase Devouring Light % based on the Holy Level of the oil.
All oils have a level and the better the level, the better the stat and devouring increase.
When you apply an oil to an item, you cannot remove the oil, it's permanently on there.
Each item in the game, Armour, Weapons, Rings and Spells all have what’s called a Holy Stacks Amount. This is how many oils you can apply to that item. As you can imagine the higher the stacks, the more you can apply.
Characters also have Holy bonuses applied based on the total number of stacks on your equipment, we will get to that in a moment.
The Cost formula for applying an oil to an item is as follows:
((Items Holy Stacks) * 1000) * Holy Oil Level.
Items Holy Stacks does not mean how many you have left on the item. It refers to the total number of stacks that can be applied.
This can get expensive, 50k+ Gold Dust per oil to apply.
There are 5 levels of Holy Oils in Tlessa:
Level 1 applies between 1-3% for stats and 0.1-0.3% for Devouring Light/Dark resistance.
Level 2 applies between 1-5% for stats and 0.1-0.5% for Devouring Light/Dark resistance.
Level 3 applies between 1-8% for stats and 0.1-0.8% for Devouring Light/Dark resistance
Level 4 applies between 1-10% for stats and 0.1-1% for Devouring Light/Dark resistance.
Level 5 applies between 1-15% for stats and 0.1-1.5% for Devouring Light/Dark resistance.
Holy oils are useful for Purgatory where monsters can devoid you and void you. But if you have 100% on the Devouring Light/Darkness resistance then the enemy wont be able to devoid or void you making the fight easier.
This also applies to PVP fights, where the other player cannot void or devoid you.
There are only 5 oils in Alchemy, all of them end with Oil in their name and the last one Heaven’s Guardian Oil is a level 5 Oil.
Each item in the game has its own Holy Item Stack Max, starting from one and going to twenty for max level crafted items.
This would mean each of your items that you have equipped, assuming they are all max level crafted items can have twenty oils applied per item, which then increases your holy bonus. This will increase your base damage, ac and healing power the more oils applied to your items.
Lets discuss further with some examples.
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Name | ||||
Basic Holy Oil | 10 | 10 | 190 | 192 |
Celestial Heavens Oil | 85 | 85 | 192 | 194 |
Purgatories Corrupted Oil | 708 | 708 | 194 | 196 |
Alchemical Holy Oil | 6,130 | 6,130 | 196 | 198 |
The Creators Holy Oil | 50,000 | 50,000 | 198 | 200 |
Showing 5 results
How to apply oils
First you need to be in Purgatory, anywhere will do. Then you open the Craft/Enchant drop down and, as you can see to the right or bottom for mobile, you now have what’s called: Purgatory Smith Work Bench.

Once you have that open you can select an unequipped item that is not in your set, again to the right or bottom for mobile.
You can apply oils to Uniques, Mythics, Enchanted Items and Regular items.
You cannot fail at applying oils.

Now that we have selected our item, let's select out oil. See image to the right or bottom for mobile.

Next you will see to the right or bottom for mobile, the cost. Again, the formula is based off the total number of stacks that can be applied and the holy level of the oil. The higher the stacks and the higher the level the more chance of better stats and devouring light, but also the higher the cost.
Again, these oils cannot be replaced, re-rolled or re-applied.

When you craft an oil through Alchemy, it will show up in your inventory as you can see to the right or bottom for mobile, under the usable item section.
These items do count towards your max inventory limit and cannot be moved to sets.

If we click on the oil we selected above, in our inventory, we can see some details about it – to the right or bottom for mobile.
Here you can see the amount of stats you could gain and the amount of devouring light you could gain. Again, all random at the time of application.

Let’s go back to applying our oil. When you click Apply Oil the server message section will update, as you can see to the right or bottom for mobile.
There is a 10 second time out in between applying oils.

If we click the item, we can see – to the right or bottom for mobile – some stat increases on the item.

If we click the details button and scroll down to the Holy Information section, to the right or bottom for mobile, we can see that there is a holy stack applied to the item.

You can click the view information link and see to the right or bottom for mobile, the holy break down and each stack applied to the item.

How these Effect your character
Having a full set of Level 5 Holy Oils applied to your gear and applying the max amount of oils is beneficial to your character and can be seen on the character sheet if we click on the: See Additional Details button on our character sheet – see to the right or bottom for mobile, we can see a set of stats that relate to our character based on what we have equipped. What we care about here is Holy.
If you are on mobile, click the plus icon on your character sheet to expand the top section to see this button.

If we open this and head to the secondary tab: Holy – see to the right or bottom for mobile, we will see how the holy oils we have applied to our weapons and Armour apply to our stats and our voidance and devoidance.
- Holy Base – the total % of the stacks applied.
- Holy Stacks – the total applied and the total you can apply. Some character classes, like Ranger, have less stacks (240 as opposed to 280) they can apply because they are better suited with duel handed weapons over single handed.
- Holy Attack Bonus – Applied to your attack bonus based on the stacks you have applied.
- Holy AC Bonus – Applied to your AC based on the stacks applied.
- Holy Healing – Applied to your healing based on the stacks applied.

Final Thoughts
Having Holy Oils applied to your items makes fighting harder creatures easier.
When you apply Holy Oils to uniques and Mythics, the color of their name will not change, but applying to other enchanted gear WILL change the color of the item to a sky blue.