Random enchants
Random Enchantments are also known by two other names. Uniques (green items) and Mythics (orange items).
Both can be gotten in game, and both can be re-rolled as well as have their enchantments moved to other items.
The downside is you can only have one unique, or one mythic equipped at any one time.
When it comes to uniques they will show up as green items in your inventory. They can roll with one or two affixes attached, both of which are randomly rolled.
Players will find they get unique items from:
and a verity of other places.
New players will gain these items from simply levelling their factions and participating in faction loyalty.
A player may only have one unique equipped at a time and are deigned to give players a boost in their stats until they have levelled up their crafting and enchanting skills respectively and start earning mythics and cosmic items from mid or late game systems.

Mythics on the other hand only have three places to drop from and cannot be bought from any NPC or shop. But can be purchased from the market if you have the gold and one is for sale.
These are the best items in the game. They can have their stats re-rolled at The Queen of Hearts in Hell. You can even move the enchantments another set of gear.
The key difference here is that with a unique item, you can re-roll how many enchants are on it, with Mythics, The Queen will only re-roll the attached enchantment.
Accessing the Queen
While you are new, you won’t have access to the queen. This requires an extensive quest line on surface to be done, to not only access Hell but to also Access the queen.
Having access to Hell will not get you Access to the queen, instead you need to finish the quest: Queens Decision, which is a surface quest.
Upon finishing this quest and while in Hell, you will be able to access the new Crafting Option called Queen of Hearts (see image to the right or bottom for mobile).

Using the Queen
While in Hell and only in Hell, you can access this crafting option. Selecting it will add a new crafting section under your attack options. (See image to the right or bottom for mobile)
If you are on mobile, you will have to select the crafting action, then select Queen of Hearts from the Blue Drop down.
As you can see, we have some options: Buy, Re-Roll and Move Enchantments.

Re-Rolling Uniques
Re-rolling uniques only costs Gold Dust and Shards.
With the image to the right or the bottom for mobile, we select the item we want to re-roll as well as the relevant suffix, prefix, or both.

Next, we want to select, what we want to re-roll for the attached enchantments. For example, see the image to the right or bottom for mobile.
He we have a list of options we can re-roll, you can also select to re-roll all the stats on a unique.

Upon re-rolling, you will see the server message update (see image to the right or bottom for mobile).
Again, you can click this to see any relevant details. There is no way to compare what you had, against what you re-rolled, as we generate a new item based off the selections you made from above.

Moving Uniques
Finally, let's discuss moving uniques.
You may move both enchantments on any unique to any item I your inventory. The item must not be equipped and must not be in a set. The Queen will not go looking for items in sets or accept items equipped.
She can replace any enchantments already on the item.
First let’s select the item we want to move the unique from. The Queen only moves uniques and no other enchantments.
See the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

Now let’s select what we want to move on the item. In this case we only have a prefix.
Image is to the right or bottom for mobile.

Finally let’s select the item we want to move this enchantment to.
See image to the right or bottom for mobile.

Remember that valuation cost I was talking about before? This unique has one enchantment on it, thus we are only moving one enchantment, the Prefix to the new item: Broken Dagger.
See image to the right or bottom for mobile.
This will cost Gold and Shards. The cost of Gold is the total enchantments valuation. I.e., 50 billion Gold * 1 = 50 billion Gold.
If this item rolled with two uniques and you wanted to move both it would cost 100 billion gold.

As you can see The Queen has moved our enchantment to the new item, making that item a unique item.
See Image to the right or bottom for mobile.

Opening the link (after we moved the item – see image to the right or bottom for mobile) shows the comparison data, we see we moved this enchantment to a Broken Dagger.

Re Roll Elements
When it comes to selecting what to re-roll there are a few types, as you saw above that you can select from.
Lets inspect what each of the re-roll types do:
Base Details:
- Core Modifiers: base Damage/AC/Healing %
- Class Bonus % (rolled/10)
Core Stats:
- Increases stats such as str, int, dex … %
- Reduces enemy stats: str, int, dex … %
Skills Modifiers:
- Set skills with skill bonuses as well as other modifiers such as damage, ac, healing, fight timeout modifier and movement timeout modifier.
Damage Modifiers:
- Sets damage details, such as resistible or not, stacking or not and amount.
- Sets Devouring Light/Life Stealing/Entrancing Chance % (rolled/10)
- Sets your resistances and enemy resistance reduction %
- Skill Reduction for enemies and resistance reduction.
The final thing to mention is you can move a 100 billion unique to an item with an attached 50 billion unique.
This would make the items minimum cost on the market: 150 billion.
You can also move a unique to an item with an enchantment that is not a unique and thus have an item that has one regular enchantment and one unique. The item will then be considered a unique.
Finally, you can do all of this with Mythics. Except for purchase. You can re-roll them and move the enchantments on them to other items. You can even have Mythics that have uniques attached to them, making them Mythics or Mythics with regular enchantments.