Combat in Tlessa is rather simple. There are two forms of Combat: Automated, known as Exploration or Manual.
Manual combat is nothing more than repeatedly clicking to attack and kill monsters.

There are two phases that can play out when it comes to manual combat, first is the “before the fight” phase where you and the enemy have a chance to void/devoid each other and where your enchantments can reduce enemy skills, resistances, and stats.
This phase is done before the enemy’s stats are calculated, allowing stat reduction enchantments to reduce the enemy’s stats.
These same steps play out for automation as well.

Next, you will choose your attack. You have one of five attacks to choose from. All classes do better with specific attacks once you established your gear.
The Attacks are as follows in order (see the image to the right or bottom):
- Attack (Uses both hands)
- Cast (Uses both spells)
- Cast and Attack (Uses spell in spell slot 1 and weapon in right hand)
- Attack and Cast (Uses spell in spell slot 2 and weapon in left hand)
- Defend (Uses your armour to defend, can also fire off Vampire’s special attack)
When you are just starting out it’s best to ignore any “recommendations” of your class until you are more established and just use the first option: Attack.

The final thing to note is that drops will appear in your server message section. For example, see the image to the right or bottom for mobile.
This item is a quest item used in a quest. Quest items can drop from some monsters as well as other items that can be randomly rolled and is generally with in your level range up to a point per plane, with Purgatory giving the best gear (albeit not better than what you can craft, but better than the shop) and surface giving “starter” gear up to a max crafting level of 100.