@laravelPWA PlanesOfTlessa
Planes of Tlessa


Tlessa offers events, with more being added over time. These events play out sometimes weekly, some times monthly and all reward the player for participating.

Players can see the events that are upcoming by opening the left menu (hamburger menu at the top left) to then access the Event Calendar, which you can see to the right or bottom for mobile.

This calendar will let you tap or click on the event to see details about when the event will start, be it a raid, weekly or monthly specific event.

It suggested players check this often for new events.

All times are in America/Edmonton Time (GMT-6).

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Celestial Spawn Event

Every week on Wednesday at 1pm GMT-6 Celestial creatures have an 80% chance to spawn regardless of plane. This event last 24 hours.

Players who completed the first Surface quest, Hunting Expedition, can use a command in chat called /pct.

Typing that in and hitting enter will instantly teleport you to the celestials location and plane, provided you have the quest items to not only go to the plane but the location the celestial is at.

Killing celestials rewards you with gold and items as well as shards, which are used in Alchemy.

Currency Drop Event

Every week on Sundays at 8am GMT-6, every monster can drop 1-500 Gold Dust, Shards and 1-150 Copper Coins regardless of plane. This event runs for 24 hours.

You will need to complete the quest: The Magic of Purgatory in Hell to get Copper Coins. These currencies will drop from any monster on any plane, excluding celstials.

Monthly PVP event

Every month at 8am GMT-6 players can choose to participate in PVP. They can do this by clicking the new Join PVP button that appears in the action section, or from the action drop down for mobile players.

This event is completely automated, once you select to join you will select your attack.

Starting at 6:30PM GMT-6 those players, not in exploration, will be teleported to the PVP arena on surface and be ordered by lowest to highest level.

From here each player will fight. The loser gets a 50 Billion Unique and 2 Billion Gold for participating, the last person standing gets 500 Billion gold and a Mythic.

All of this is automated, so you don’t have to be logged in, however, after the fight the Celestial Kings spawn, there are 1 for each plane: Surface, Labyrinth, Dungeon and Hell.

These have a small chance to drop Mythics when killed.

Winter Event

December 15th – March 15th of the following year

Tlessa has a special event once per year that is iterated upon and added to as it comes up. This event is known as the Winter Event.

A special plane will open with a set of quests that tell a story and unlock specific locations as you progress the story by completing the quests.

The Winter Event is the first story driven content map where players can unlock the ability to settle kingdoms and can also participate in a global event as well as a raid and earn a a new gear set: Corrupted Ice.

During the event – any player, regardless of level can:

- Traverse down to The Ice Plane

- While on the Ice Plane, players who have access to purgatory will face one set of monsters that challenge them and there builds, while newer players will fight slightly harder Surface Mobs.

- While killing creatures and completing quests players will automatically participate in the Event Goal for the Ice Plane which in turn as specific phases are met will reward players with a piece of Corrupted Ice Gear at random with a legendary unique on it.

- Characters who complete a specific quest line will be able to settle kingdoms on The Ice Plane and as a reward for having the most kingdoms at the time of the events completion, that player will be rewarded with a full set of Corrupted Ice Gear.

Purgatory Smith House Event

Purgatory Smiths House is a location on the plane Purgatory which is an end game map. After doing a set of quests players can gain access to the house where through exploration or manual fighting, players can gain a plethora of currencies and have small chances of gaining Legendary Unique and Mythical Purgatory Chain Gear.

By default players who fight at this location will still have a chance to gain these rewards, but as you can see below, while the event is running, which will run for one hour, the chances are increased to gain the items as well and the amount of currencies you can get.

You can trigger this event by simply fighting at this location, which has a small chance to fire off the event for all players who are at the location.

Rewards for the location including while the event is running:

- Characters can get 1-1000 Gold Dust from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 5,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- Characters can get 1-1000 Shards from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 5,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- Characters can get 1-1000 Copper Coins* from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 5,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/1,000,000 (+15% max of your looting skill) chance to get a Purgatory Chain Legendary Unique from Monsters half way down the list of more. This can be reduced to 1/500,000 (+30% max of your looting skill) chance if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/10,000,000 (+15% max of your looting skill) chance to get a Purgatory Chain Mythic Items from the last monster in the list. This can be reduced to 1/5,000,000 (+30% max of your looting skill) chance if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/1,000,000 chance to trigger an event while fighting here to reduce the chances and increase the currencies (the above "if an event is triggered") for 1 hour at this location only.

* Characters need to complete a quest to be able to gain Copper Coins, which only drop off enemies in purgatory.

Gold Mines Event

Gold Mines is a special location that is accessible to those who have access to Shadow Planes. Down here players who fight at this location can get increase drop rates for currencies a chance at a Unique item of Medium value.

Rewards for the location including while the event is running:

- Characters can get 1-500 Gold from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 1,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- Characters can get 1-500 Shards from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 1,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- Characters can get 1-500 Gold Dust from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 1,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/1,000,000 (+15% max of your looting skill) chance to get a Medium Unique from Monsters half way down the list of more. This can be reduced to 1/500,000 (+30% max of your looting skill) chance if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/1,000,000 chance to trigger an event while fighting here to reduce the chances and increase the currencies (the above "if an event is triggered") for 1 hour at this location only.

The Old Church

The Old Church is a special location that requires a set of quests to be completed to earn an item which then allows for characters to earn currencies and set off an event which makes earning items and currencies even better and easier!

Rewards for the location including while the event is running:

- Characters can get 1-20,000 Gold from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 40,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- Characters can get 1-1000 Shards from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 5,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- Characters can get 1-1000 Gold Dust from fighting monsters. This can be increased to 5,000 if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/1,000,000 (+15% max of your looting skill) chance to get a Medium Unique Corrupted Ice item from Monsters half way down the list of more. This can be reduced to 1/500,000 (+30% max of your looting skill) chance if an event is triggered at this area.

- There is a 1/1,000,000 chance to trigger an event while fighting here to reduce the chances and increase the currencies (the above "if an event is triggered") for 1 hour at this location only.