Planes of Tlessa

Character stats

When it comes to Tlessa, your stats are vital. There are two that you should focus on, one is called the To Hit Stat and the other is called the Damage Stat. For example, on your character sheet, you can see these stats. To the right (or bottom for mobile) is an image. For mobile players when you visit the character tab, you can expand the top section to see these details.

All characters, regardless of race or class need to train Accuracy to be able to hit anything, but you also have a stat, for example – focus – to be able to also hit.

To do optimal damage you will want to raise the damage stat, in this case: Charisma – or chr.

Raw vs Modified

There are two types of stats in Tlessa, Raw and Modified. On the game tab, at the top – which for mobile, you can expand, you will see a series of stats – see image to the right or bottom for mobile.

These stats are your modified.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

Raw vs Modified

There are two types of stats in Tlessa, Raw and Modified. On the game tab, at the top – which for mobile, you can expand, you will see a series of stats – see image to the right or bottom for mobile.

These stats are your modified.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

For your character sheet tab, you can expand the character section, if on mobile, and see a button a called (for both PC and mobile) Additional Information. See image to the right or bottom for mobile.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

If you click this Additional Information Button, the first tab you will see is the stats tab where we show your raw stats, that is – with no equipment. And your modified stats – that is with equipment on.

You can see this to the right or bottom for mobile.

Click/Tap me to make me larger.

What is Raw stats for?

Raw stats are for nothing. If you unequipped all your equipment this is what your stats would be, they grow as you level effecting your modified stats over time.

Ok, Whats Modified for?

Modified stats, as stated before, come from base equipment. Enchantments attached to said equipment, Uniques or Mythics you have equipped, Holy Oils applied to said items and of course Boons from Alchemical items that you can craft.

All of these combined with your characters equipment raise your stats. The higher your stats the better to hit, the better damage you do. All equipment – even at a base level – with no enchantments, no uniques, no mythics – basically shop gear – can raise your stats.

Body gear, will always raise the stats higher then other gear, so if you are lost for what to equip, body and then weapon.

Enchantments and so on will raise those stats even higher. The higher the stat, the harder the critter you can fight.

Final thoughts

When it comes to gear, your drop rate from levels 1-10 (or looting skill is under 10%) are insane, you will get a lot of gear when you are first starting out, it’s all random – there are a ton of enchantments that can do a lot of things and the gear you get when starting out are all randomly generated with random enchantments when they drop from monsters.

Crafting and Enchanting will help you fine tune what type of gear, what type of enchantments. Alchemy comes in handy later with the concept of what types of Oils to apply to further increases the stats as well as items you can use on your self that last for a limited time to further increase stats and skills.

This is a stats driven game, the higher the stats, the better the chance to kill harder creatures and thus get better rewards. The drops for equipment do scale as you get off the starting plane: Surface. In fact the gear – as you work your way down to Purgatory will scale to a max crafting level of 300, leaving you to craft the last 100 levels to get the best gear before moving on to the Hell Forged and Purgatory Chain gear.

It takes time, effort and no real world money to get this far. All gear is randomly generated when it drops. Could be good, could be bad, but does scale with you to a specific point per plane.