@laravelPWA PlanesOfTlessa
Planes of Tlessa

Capital cities

Capital Cities offer players a centralized way to manage their entire kingdom on a single plane. Players can upgrade and repair buildings, recruit units, and oversee their kingdoms automatically.

Unlocking Capital Cities

To unlock the Capital Cities feature, players must complete a series of quests. These quests not only unlock the kingdom feature but also provide access to other features, such as the Market Place for requesting resources and passives that reduce movement time for capital city requests.

Starting the Journey

Begin with the early game quest "Shiny Objects” in Labyrinth. Completing this short quest line unlocks the ability to train the kingdom passive Market Place, allowing you to build and level the Market Place to level 5.

Progressing Through the Game

As you advance to the early and late mid-game stages, you will encounter additional quest lines:

- The Curse of The Shiny (requires the “Shiny Objects” quest line completion), which starts in Shadow Planes.

- The Responsible Thing to Do (requires completion of the above quest), which starts in Hell.

Upon completing all three quest lines, players will gain access to:

- The Market Place.

- Capital City.

- New Kingdom Passives that help with request travel time reductions for the capital city system.

Creating a Capital City

Players can have only one capital city per plane of existence. Once the requirements are met, you can designate any of your kingdoms on any plane where you have at least one kingdom as your capital city. This grants access to the Small Council.

Can I Change My Capital City?

No, you cannot. Choose wisely.

Creating a Capital City

Players can have only one capital city per plane of existence. Once the requirements are met, you can designate any of your kingdoms on any plane where you have at least one kingdom as your capital city. This grants access to the Small Council.

To do this, simply go to a kingdom on a plane you want as your capital city – through the kingdoms tab, and under Specialty Actions called: Make Capital City. Click this to make that specific city a capital city.

Can I Change My Capital City?

No, you cannot. Choose wisely.

Small Council

Once you have created a capital city, the button to do so will change to a green "Small Council." Clicking this will open the Small Council section, where you can manage actions such as walking kingdoms, upgrading/repairing buildings, and recruiting units. See the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

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Walking Kingdoms

In the Small Council of your capital city, you can choose to walk your kingdoms automatically. This becomes essential as your kingdom grows, making manual management tedious. Walking your kingdoms maintains their morale, preventing them from falling and becoming NPC kingdoms. See the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

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Managing Buildings

When you click "Upgrade Repair Buildings," you will see two additional cards and a queue table showing the progress of each request. See the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

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To upgrade a building, click the "Upgrade Buildings" card. This will display a list of buildings available for upgrade, filter options, and the ability to queue upgrades for the selected kingdom. Each building request is grouped by kingdom and sent as one request. See the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

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Once you have selected the buildings, click the "Review/Send Orders" button. This will tell you valuable information about the request you are about to send off, including when it is ok to cancel a request – more on this later. You can see this to the right or bottom for mobile.

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Buildings may be rejected if you cannot afford the costs. However, completing the initial quest line unlocks the Market Place passive skill, allowing your kingdom to request resources from other kingdoms with a Market Place on the same plane. If you lack the population cost, the kingdom treasury will be used to purchase the required amount. If there is no treasury, the building request will be rejected. See the image to the right or bottom for mobile.

As you can see in the above image, we show you a complete break down of every request for that kingdom, their statuses and the time remaining on any task, be it travelling, requesting resources, building or repairing. You can cancel one building or all buildings for that kingdom.

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Building Logs 

Players will receive a log per kingdom that outlines all the actions the kingdom has done. There could be logs for Requesting Resources, but generally there will be a Capital City Building Request log that details what happened to each building.

For example here’s the logs table, with a bunch of these request logs (see image to the right or bottom for mobile).

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If we go into one, we see that it is full of successes. We have upgraded the buildings, and have no messages related to the buildings that we wanted upgraded. (see image to the right or bottom for mobile)

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How ever, if we have rejected buildings, we see a different story inside the log. We get told why each building that was rejected. (see image to the right or bottom for mobile)

In this case, the kingdoms did not have the Market Place passive leveled, so we told them you do not have the resources. If you did have the passive, but both the requesting and supplying kingdom did not have level 5 Market Places, then you would see that message, along with any other reason why it could not recruit resources.

A variety of different rejection reasons can appear here and will tell you which building, what kingdoms are involved, if its a resource request issue and so on.

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Unit Recruitment

To recruit units, click the green "Back to Council" button and select "Recruit Units." This screen displays a list of units, an input field for the amount, and options to select a kingdom or all kingdoms. The "Send Recruitment Orders" button and "View Queues" button work similarly to building queues, breaking down each unit request for a kingdom.

See the image to the right or bottom for mobile to view the recruit unit section.

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When recruiting units, you can recruit any amount of any unit for any kingdom. You may be rejected if you do not have the appropriate building unlocked or leveled to the required level or have the resources to request such a large number of units.

You can also be rejected if the amount of units would take longer than seven real-world days. You can, of course, go to the kingdom in question manually and request such a large amount.

Much like buildings, unit requests will be grouped together and sent off to the kingdom(s) in question. Players can also cancel these requests and we will discuss that later in this document.

Units will request resources should you have a Market Place in the kingdom requesting the resources and the kingdom selected to send the resources (it’s ideal to have a Market Place in all your kingdoms).

Unit requests will buy, through the kingdom treasury, any population needed – much like building requests.

Units can be rejected for a variety of reasons:

- Your Barracks level or other associated building level is too low or the building is locked behind a passive tree skill of the same name.

- You do not have enough money to purchase the population needed.

- The time it would take for the orders to be recruited would be longer than 7 real-world days.

- You cannot or do not have enough resources abroad to request because of insufficient or locked Market Place in both requesting and recruiting kingdoms.

When we have requests in motion we can click the orange View Queues button to see the list of all the units moving, how long they will take, their status and so on. Players can cancel recruitment orders, much like buildings as mentioned before. Players may choose to cancel during the Travelling and Recruiting Phase only.

(See image to the right or bottom for mobile.)

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Players will also get a log that outlines any actions taken, for example if we could request resources for some reason, or not buy population, maybe you cancelled a recruitment order or one was rejected for some other reason.

We can see this example to the right or bottom for mobile.

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Cancelling Requests

When it comes to cancellations there are a couple things to keep in mind. You cannot cancel a unit recruitment or building request from the kingdoms queue section. That is, if you request an upgrade from kingdom A in Kingdom B, you cannot go to Kingdom B and click Cancel on the upgrade, repair or recruitment queue that will be created for that kingdom.

Players may also only cancel when the status of the request is Travelling, or the status of the building or unit is Recruiting, Building or Repairing.

Players may not cancel a cancellation request once sent.

Cancellations will show on the log, as shown in the unit management section above.

When you cancel a recruitment or a building, you can choose to just cancel the thing you want, or you can send a request to the city to cancel all the tasks you asked it to do.

For example: If you are recruiting spearmen, archers and rams and cancel just the rams – during the recruitment or travelling phase, spearmen and archers will still recruit.

If the request sent from the capital city is no longer travelling, that is we are building or repairing or recruiting and you ask for a building or all queues for that kingdom to be cancelled – the request must travel to the kingdom.

You will be told if the request has to travel or not, as you can see in this example of cancelling a unit (the same applies to cancelling buildings) – see image to the right or bottom for mobile.

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This can lead to the cancellation request being rejected, which will show up on the log, if the building or unit is too close to being done.

You saw an example of this above in the unit management section with the queue table, some were cancelled, one was being cancelled and it had to travel to the kingdom, you can see that image again here to the right or bottom for mobile.

When you cancel all the requests in the kingdom, no log is generated – should the things to be cancelled be in the process of travelling, either one or all of the things will be stricken – possibly freeing that kingdom up for new orders.

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Passives to the rescue

As you did all the quests above, you also unlocked some new Kingdom Passives. These will help you in one vital aspect: The request times will be much faster for the building and the unit requests – up to 60% more! Same for requesting resources!

It is advised that players level these new passives to take full advantage of the capital city system.

We can see the image to the right or bottom for mobile that shows off the new passives that get unlocked!

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Here’s an example of the building requests! – see image to the right or bottom for mobile.

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Final Thoughts

Capital cities allow a player to manage their kingdoms across a single plane. While you cannot manage the capital city it’s self through this system, you can take advantage of the system as your kingdoms start to grow especially as you move towards mid and late game where you need access to the Goblin Shop to help with late game Reincarnation.