Planes of Tlessa

Map the Unseen

This quest belongs to an NPC, whom you must be on the same place as to complete.

To complete all a quest all you have to do is on the same plane, then click Quests tab, click the quest, click complete.

You must have the required items, currencies and/or faction points needed.

Quest Name:
Map the Unseen
Npc Name:
Dungeon Master
Required Item:
Dungeon Ink
Required Secondary Item:
None Required.

Upon completing the quest you will receive:

Reward Item:
Dungeon Map
Reward Gold:
Reward Gold Dust:
Reward Shards:
Reward XP:

Before Completion Text

You approach an elderly man wearing a thick robe with a hood over his shoulders. He carries a pouch by his side. He looks at you as you approach and slowly shifts his frame to greet you, revealing a warm smile on his face.

"Child! I've been expecting you for quite some time."

He pulls the pouch from his waist and, with a wave of his free hand, a table appears before you. A nondescript small round wooden table, most likely made of oak.

"Come closer, child."

You do as he instructs, and when he empties the pouch, a few six-sided dice, a twenty-sided die, and a few other dice fall out onto the table. He takes up the twenty-sided die and studies it. "This will do." He states before handing it to you.

"Roll it."

You stare at the die and roll it. Perfect 20.

In this moment, his robes begin to flutter in the wind, and his eyes darken. A voice from nowhere and everywhere pierces your mind like ice through your veins.

"You are not of this world, child! Alas, I will provide you with the items you require to enter the unknown dungeons. But I cannot guarantee your survival."

You take a step back in fear, but are petrified by the mysterious old man's gaze, which appears to stare into your soul, essence, and very being.

You try to avoid his gaze, but the intensity of his eyes won't let you look away. The world slips away, and for a brief moment in the darkness, you hear it.