Planes of Tlessa

Churches Magical Alchemy Research

This quest belongs to an NPC, whom you must be on the same place as to complete.

To complete all a quest all you have to do is on the same plane, then click Quests tab, click the quest, click complete.

You must have the required items, currencies and/or faction points needed.

Quest Name:
Churches Magical Alchemy Research
Npc Name:
Candle Maker
Required Item:
Musty old Church Records
Required Secondary Item:
Pillar Candle of the Church
Required Level
Required Gold Dust Cost:

Upon completing the quest you will receive:

Reward Item:
Alchemically Enchanted Holy Candle
Reward Gold:
Reward Gold Dust:
Reward Shards:
Reward XP:

Before Completion Text

You found these musty old records of The Church. They mention Alchemy and the research The Church used to do on the subject. The practices, the magic, the "unholiness,” and the “heretical sciences” they delved into.

For a church that was forcing people to choose between death and accepting this “God” as their one true “saviour” or "leader,” these people really went all out when it came to what they deemed, according to the documents, to be “heretical sciences".

The notes talk about applying enchantments to their candles to make their warriors stronger in the face of death. Maybe The Candle Maker can make sense of these.