Planes of Tlessa

Story of the wind

This quest belongs to an NPC, whom you must be on the same place as to complete.

To complete all a quest all you have to do is on the same plane, then click Quests tab, click the quest, click complete.

You must have the required items, currencies and/or faction points needed.

Quest Name:
Story of the wind
Npc Name:
Helpless Goblin
Required Item:
Tome of the Winds
Required Secondary Item:
None Required.
Required Level
Required Gold Dust Cost:

Upon completing the quest you will receive:

Reward Item:
Book of speed
Reward Gold:
Reward XP:

Before Completion Text

You come across The Goblin on your travels. "Hello, child!” He seems eager to see you.

“Have you seen the Sky?” He looks up, and your gaze follows his. Clouds of white dot the blue sky. He takes his time looking up at the firmament; some are puffy and white, while others are whisps of themselves moving fluidly through the Sky, never letting a cloud stray too far behind.

“They say The Creator lives in the Sky." You ask if he means heaven. “No. Not like that. Different.”

A cold wind blows by the both of you.